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Veteran Owned & Operated
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Customer Reviews

Based on 30 reviews
Richard McCaffrey (Newbury, NH, US)
Great T-shirt, Great Message

I am so glad there is a veteran-owned making sure America never forgets the heroes who died at Abbey Gate. I'll wear this great looking shirt in their memory, but I know it will never fill the hole the death of the 12 Marines and Sailor left in their families' lives. Never forget!

Thanks for your review Richard.
We will never forget the Kabul 13.
Thank you for helping to honor them and to keep their memories alive.
David @ DIA

Alan VanMarter (Charlotte, NC, US)
Well made and perfect to keep it in the front of the world

The shirt fit perfect and is well made. Printing is good and thick with string colors.

Will keep DIA in my watch list for new drops.

Thanks for your review, Alan.
And thank you for helping to honor and remember the Kabul 13!
We're always working on new designs to help honor legends and to help everyone understand that they already have what it takes to be great.
David @ DIA

DOM LIPKA (Chicago, IL, US)

Excellent T-shirt. Love the design and good fit.

Thank you for your review, Dom.
And thank you for helping to honor and remember the Kabul 13!
David @ DIA


Supporting the lives of Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, & their Families

From David, DIA Founder & CEO

From the inception of DIA in 2021, my goal was to design and sell gear that helps spread the message that each and every single one of us already has what it takes to be great. The only thing that is required is Discipline, Intensity, and Action every day towards whatever you feel will make you great.

In addition to spreading the DIA message, I also wanted to give back to those who sacrifice so much. Because my business partner and I are United States Marine Corps Veterans, we understand the sacrifices service members and their families make in the support and protection of our country and it's citizens. We hold veterans in high regard because they wanted to be and have achieved greatness. Some service members even going as far as giving their lives for you and me.

In addition to supporting veterans and service members, we also feel that First Responders sacrifice so much for us as well. They put their safety and lives on the line every single day.

Therefore, DIA gives back by donating a percentage of proceeds from the sale of all DIA gear to organizations that support the lives of Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, & their Families. We know they sacrifice so much to help ensure our freedom and safety.

Organizations we've donated to since 2021 include:

  • Flanders Fields
  • Children of Fallen Patriots
  • The Paddy Brown Foundation (Captain Paddy Brown was a USMC Vet)
  • Operation Allies Refuge Foundation
  • National Fallen Firefighters Foundation

Although we're still a startup, we know Veterans, Service Members, First Responders, & their Families need our help. And that's what we will continue to do: to help those that help keep us free and safe, even if we are unable to turn a profit. It just makes sense to us.

If you have any questions or know of good organizations that could use our help, please reach out.