When you wake up to that alarm every day, spend an hour commuting to your well-paying job, and then slog home ten hours later just going through the motions, you aren’t really living. You may be working hard, but you're not working hard on your dreams.
You used to have big dreams, but then you listened to the world around you say that “reality” is different. And that’s true. Reality is different for everyone because your reality is what you make of it.
If you work hard and dream big, merging the two together, you find your true self and your personal happiness. And the money may not be there right away and the naysayers will try to bring you back to their “reality.” But don’t give up!
Stick to your dreams, work hard at them, and stay the course and the money will come in more abundance than you could have ever imagined. Trust yourself. Trust your process. Trust your dreams.
Life is too short! Just GO for it!
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