DIA Mugshot - July 30, 2021
#Friday is ending with a bang.
I have my coffee (at 3 PM PST), but no #mugshot.
When I started DIA about 6 months ago, I wanted to create workout kits (kinda like #football a.k.a #soccer) that were comfortable and functional.
I didn’t know where to start.
And I had no idea how I was going to manufacture these “kits.”
But this idea was burning in my mind. So I had will.
Now 6 months later, we are on our second kit theme. The first was Pathfinder and what I’m wearing in the picture is Stealth, which is numero dos.
So we’ve come pretty far.
What I attribute this progress to is the fact that I took #Action.
I developed a simple vision and plan and then I took the leap.
Is everything peachy and perfect? Of course not.
But we are now up and running. We have kits, active wear, t-shirts, hoodies, etc. on a website, and sales.
Yup. DIA is a business.
It’s pretty exciting. From idea to a business. This is exactly what I wanted and I am extremely humble and grateful.
And you could do the exact same thing. Maybe it’s not a business. Maybe it’s a new career, traveling more, or greater health.
Whatever it is, I know you have ideas burning in your mind. Pick one, jot down a quick plan, and go.
Start small. You have nothing to lose. #daregreatly
The main thing holding you back is YOU.
Life is short. Embrace it by going after what you want.
I truly believe in the old proverb of “Where there’s a will there’s a way.”
Now it’s your turn to prove it.
Have a great weekend!
(Final note: I’m really not as serious as I look in the video. I was just concentrating 😁)
#DIAMindset #everyday #DIA #DIAEveryday
#discipline #intensity #action #working #motivation #fitness #health #exercise #friyay #fridaymood #fridaymotivation #fridaythoughts #coffee #coffeelover #coffeetime #smallbusiness #veteranownedbusiness #success #ownit #ownyourfuture